Vom Baum zum Brett

Als Europas größter Hersteller von Sägewerksanlagen und weltweit führender Anbieter von Profilieranlagen sind wir von der Linck Holzverarbeitungstechnik GmbH der richtige Ansprechpartner, wenn es um individuelle Gesamtlösungen für die Holzbearbeitung geht.

Mit einer Erfahrung von fast 180 Jahren kennen wir uns in der Holzwirtschaft aus und wissen, was Nachhaltigkeit bedeutet. Gerade deshalb sind wir Partner der größten Sägeindustrien Europas. Um diese weiterhin durch höchste Qualität und außergewöhnliche Fertigungstiefe zu unterstützen, arbeiten wir täglich an Innovationen für höhere Ausbeute und optimalen Einschnitt.

Denn dieses Wissen und die Grundwerte unseres inhabergeführten Unternehmens helfen uns dabei, unseren Partnern individuelle Gesamtlösungen durch persönliche Beratung zu bieten. Immer mit dem Ziel vor Augen, auch für komplexeste Anforderungen die optimal zugeschnittenen Anlagenkonfigurationen zu liefern. Ein großer Aspekt unseres Erfolgs bleibt dabei trotz weltweit führender Marktposition kontinuierlich erhalten: Qualität made in Germany.

The perfect board: We shape logs

LINCK sawlines transform naturally grown wood into a shape that can be used by people. What distinguishes us in this process? At LINCK, highly motivated people work with the aim of building the best sawlines and thus turning logs into perfect boards. The LINCK sawlines shall provide its customers maximum recovery and thus the highest possible productivity. Because the precious natural product wood deserves that we can get the best out of it. Our philosophy is to fully utilize the log and thus promote the sustainability in wood processing.

What shows clear edges, sells better:
the sawn log as a product

In DIY markets, in the timber trade or the packaging industry, the board is seen as it comes out of the sawmill. And as with other products, the same applies here: What looks better, sells better. Boards produced with LINCK sawlines have a clear advantage, because they convince with excellent quality in terms of surfaces, edges and dimension accuracy.

A supporting role:
Wood in architecture

For a long time, wood was mainly used in architecture for building up roofs and as a façade element. Thanks to new manufacturing and processing technologies, wood can now play a supporting role as a wall element even for taller buildings and thus partially replace other, very energy-intensive building materials.

Almost unlimited possibilities:
Wood as a raw material for craftsmen
Whether as cabinet maker, boat builder, light aircraft builder or wooden toy maker - people use their craftmanship and creativity to make fascinating and high-quality products from wood. Thanks to its unique natural characteristics, each wood product is unique.

People: achieving more together

Many generations of dedicated employees have made LINCK the leading supplier of sawmill equipment in Europe in more than 180 years of company history. Each generation has acquired new skills, expanded their knowledge and built up know-how. And has passed on what they have acquired to new employees and trainees. With our rich experience and strong partners, we have everything we need to continue manufacturing the best sawlines for our customers.

People who work for LINCK:
Our employees
Processing wood is heavy work. We know what we are talking about, because when LINCK was founded over 180 years ago, wood processing was heavy and dangerous physical work. Today, LINCK is building sawlines that automatically convert round logs into boards. Instead of pure muscle power, today it takes people who know how to get the best out of a log. To achieve this, our specialists master their craft across the many fields; building and machine engineering, technology, electrical engineering, engineering, design, CAD technology, software development as well as assembly in our workshop or worldwide on site. They fulfil our promise of supply high-quality LINCK sawlines - day after day.

People we work for:
Our customers

Every year, four to five sawlines are built for our customers from all over the world. In the meantime, this means more than 150 profiling lines and 70 reducer sawlines. And just as no log is like the other, each sawline is an individual masterpiece, precisely adapted to log quality, room availability and the required product. How well we master our profession is shown by the fact that 16 of the 20 top lumber producers in Europe have already trusted the LINCK sawlines.

People with whom we work closely together:
Our partners

For a plant and mechanical engineering company, our vertical range of manufacture is very high for a plant and mechanical engineering company. For components we do purchase, we work closely with a network of specialists. It is important for us to only install high-quality components which will support the high performance of the LINCK sawline. For complete log processing in reducer sawlines, our portfolio includes board edger plants from our subsidiary EWD.

Sustainability: processing the natural raw material wood in an environmentally friendly way

Products made of wood are in high demand: as building material as well as for the production of furniture and packaging. At LINCK, we see wood as a precious natural product whose processing requires great care. We are convinced that wood is a material with great future if forests are managed sustainably.

Wood, a regrowable raw material
Unlike mineral raw material and fossile fuels, wood can regenerate within a period that is manageable by man. During its growing phase, a tree binds carbon dioxide (CO2). If the processed wood is e.g. used as construction timber, the carbon dioxide remains bound during its entire useful life. When it is used thermally, the wood only releases as much CO2 as the tree absorbed during its growth.

Fully utilizing the log
LINCK treats the precious raw material wood with respect. Our machines convert the entire log into centre products and sideboards as well as into by-products such as chips and sawdust. LINCK sawlines can also produce chips in the desired quality so that the log can be completely utilized and marketed. This puts us in line with the United Nations (UN) sustainability goals of fully utilizing raw materials.

Energy-efficient production
We strive to manufacture our sawlines as energy-efficiently and environmentally friendly as possible: At our company headquarter in Oberkirch, we operate a photovoltaic system that produces about 160,000 kWh of electricity per year. This reduces the CO2 footprint of our facilities and allows us to operate an emission-free electric car that is available for our employees for local business trips. We feed the electricity we do not use ourselves - approx. 60,000 kWh annually - into the grid.

Productivity: convert each log into a profitable product

LINCK sawlines convert the naturally grown log into a product that sell successfully on the market. This requires customised and highly specialized sawlines. Why? Because the logs are converted into a wide variety of products. Because the demand for certain wood products differs in different markets and at different times. Because the logs vary in shape and quality and finally because the available wood quantities and qualities are constantly changing. Therefore, LINCK manufactures customized sawlines that work productively under these conditions and get the best out of every log.

Maximum capacity: precise control for maximum mechanical performance
In order to achieve the maximum capacity of a sawline and to process large quantities of round logs, a state-of-the-art digital control and high-performance mechanical components must work together perfectly. LINCK sawlines excel in this discipline, moving round logs with a safety and ease almost reminiscent of ballet choreography.

Two examples of the high performance of our sawlines:
LINCK sawlines achieve a feed speed of up to 200 m/min. With an average log length of four metres, a LINCK line processes several thousand logs per hour.
The high-performance VM50 chipper canter operates with a maximum drive power of up to 250 kW on each of its two cutterheads. Converted into the non-motorized times of wood processing, this corresponds to an average power of 340 workhorses. Today, this power can drive the tractor unit of a 40-tonne-truck, for example.

Maximum recovery: every log is different and so is each of our processing steps
The operator of a sawline knows exactly what he wants to convert the round logs into. However, the shape and the nature of the logs arriving in the sawmill are varied. LINCK's aim is to process every log value-optimized according to its characteristics and market requirements. The result is the maximum recovery and the highest possible profit from each log.

Maximum flexibility: LINCK sawlines work economically even when the market situation changes
Changing market requirements or supply situations, for example due to windfall or beetle infestation, can make it necessary to flexibly adapt the sawline capacity. LINCK sawlines offer this possibility. For example, we achieve maximum flexibility with our reducer lines by multiple passes.